Friday, 25 January 2013


Creating a jump

go into the content browser, click on actor classes, then click on navagation - teleporter - uttjump pad drag it onto your plain. Once created, right click anywhere on the ground, then choose add actor, then click on add path node, this will be where the character lands after jumping.

creating a portal

same process just choose uttteleporter.

right click on the teleporter and choose properties, change the url to tele 1and the tag to tele 2 and the opposite for the other teleporter.

Painting textures and sculpting the ground.

Here I am setting up the height map area of which I can use to raise the ground.
Here I am creating a new landscape so I'm able to paint and raise the ground.
ticking use selected object in content browser in the landscape properties.
Here I am creating a new folder for my texture to be stored in.
Here I am setting up the different nodes and texture co-ordinates.

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Preproduction Blueprint


Idea: Ancient temple in a dense rainforest, similar to a mayan temple. Or waterfalls falling into a small lake or pool of water with elvish temples around it, also in a forest.

Stand Alone Game Environment / Level Design
waterfalls falling into a small lake or pool of water with elvish temples around it, also in a forest.

Software: Unreal Engine/ UDK



Environment Setting: 

For the stand alone, sort of just after midday maybe late afternoon so it casts long shadows across the forest and water which will impact the player nicely. Weather will be sunny. Sounds of falling water, birds singing, and tree branches moving.

For the temple, I was thinking again, maybe late afternoon so it casts long shadows. Or having it raining, so he can hear all the waterdrops hitting the ground and puddles. Tree branches moving and the sound of tropical birds.

Key Location/s: 
South America, Asia, Korea, Indonesia

Elvish, Mayan.


I Want to Create: 

A waterfall enviroment in a fantasy forest with big trees and some kind of elvish looking structures. (Renaissance looking buildings)

I Want to Learn or Improve: 
How to raise ground and make cliffs for good looking waterfalls, and big trees.

I Want the Player to Experience the Following: Nice visual effects, long shadows to interest the player. Also areas to possibly explore, like a cave under some of the waterfalls, or being able to swim.


Photo Reference:

  • Architecture reference
  • Environment reference
  • Light reference
  • Prop reference
  • Inspiration reference

    This is the exact kind of building I was thinking of to placed around my waterfalls, maybe one in the very centre. Kind of as a place of worship.

    I really liked the architectural design of the tower in this image.

     I was thinking of something like this, but with much bigger waterfalls. So I placed a human reference in the image.
    Here is a painting Ive done in photoshop to try and show what kind of idea I was thinking of.

Here I've put together to manipulations to try and show the thing I'm trying to achieve.



I wasnt going to have a story or a main purpose for my level. I designed it as a portfolio piece, so my level is only for looks. But if it were to have a story i think it would be on the lines of; the player has been sent on a quest to retrieve an artefact  from a temple somewhere in the jungle.

How did the player arrive in the environment? What were the events that brought them here?

 he was sent on a quest by a stranger to find and bring back a stolen artefact that he had stolen from him by some bandits.

Why is the character here? What purpose or what goal are they to achieve?

 to retrieve a stolen artefact.

What happened to the environment prior to the player arriving here?

the temple and surrounding area were abandoned and now bandits have occupied it. All the previous buildings and structures have over grown plants growing on them.

Show, Don't Tell

How will you show what happened to the environment? How will you tell the story of the environment to the player?

There will be vegetation growing all over the structures to make the place seem old and abandoned.


(Objectives à Obstacles à Set Pieces/Scripted Events)


Level Design / Stand Alone Game Environment:

What do you want to showcase? What do you want the player, viewer and/or designer to experience?

I want the player to experience really nice visuals and jungle ambient sounds. As if you are actually in a jungle.

Set Pieces:
Define a set of set pieces (scripted events) that will add interactivity, atmosphere and believability to the environment.

the door to the temple might be broken so you have to go and find something to pry it open.


Focal Point/s:
 The temple.
the statue thats in the jungle.


Style Reference:
Similar to the crysis series and far cry. Also the uncharted series. 

Color Palette: 
Greens, blues and warm colors for the lighting. 

Environment Colors:
Greens and blues, tropical plants colours/bright.

Warm colours, orange, yellow and reds.


Level Design / Stand Alone Game Environment:


Everything List:

Production List:

Props/Assets List:
Plants, flowers, rocks, waterfalls, trees, moss, cliffs, torches, monuments, ancient buildings.

Texture List: 

Dirt, rock, moss, grass,

Texture/Material Quality List:

Audio List:Ambient sounds of rain forests and deep jungles. Tropical bird sounds. Sounds of waterfalls and water and wind blowing through tree's.

Friday, 18 January 2013


Here is the inspirational piece I chose to use. I like this image because I think the lighting adds a really nice effect, also casting the really long shadows makes some interesting light patches in the image. also I like how the light is shining onto the temple with long pillars.

These images above is just gathering reference material from old ancient buildings set in rainforests like the Maya civilizations. Its to get an understanding of the architecture.

I really liked these two above images because of the way the tree is growing over the buildings and door ways, its like its trying to wrap itself around it like an octopus trying to consume something.

Here are some more images of trees and architecture, trying to find some images that have wear and tear on the buildings making them look old and ancient.

I really liked the way this tree is growing over this doorway. I think it has a sense of mystery about it, its like the doorway leads to somewhere dark and creepy.

All the images below are reference materials for the kind of foliage that might be in my environment. I wanted to try and find the types of pants that grow in rainforests and how they interact with the environment. I've also got some images showing different kinds of lighting and how it reacts with the the trees and foliage.

Here i was trying to find some kind of statues or things to worship like gods. I really liked the way the moss was growing over the statue.